The Law

  1. The purpose of the Law is
    to facilitate and enforce
    the ordered and peaceful
    containment and exploitation of
    the poor by the rich,
    the dispossessed by the landed,
    the low-born by the privileged,
    the isolated by the connected,
    the excluded by the included,
    the nobody by the somebody,
    the individual by the collective,
    the worker by the capitalist.

  2. The agents of the Law are there
    to separate and protect
    the rich from the poor,
    the landed from the dispossessed,
    the privileged from the low-born,
    the connected from the isolated,
    the included from the excluded,
    the collective from the individual,
    the capitalist from the worker,
    those that matter from those that don't;
    in order to forcibly maintain society
    in its permanent state of disparity.

  3. Those who create the Law, also
    drip-feed the people with lies that
    perpetuate their illusion of freedom
    within their reality of servitude.
    So the poor serve the rich,
    the dispossessed serve the landed,
    the low-born serve the privileged,
    the isolated serve the connected,
    the excluded serve the included,
    the nobody serves the somebody,
    the individual serves the collective,
    the worker serves the capitalist.

  4. The law must be re-purposed,
    now to facilitate and enforce,
    the fair, ordered and peaceful,
    containment and exploitation,
    of the Earth by all its inhabitants;
    the dispossessed become landed,
    the poor thereby become rich,
    the isolated become connected,
    the excluded become included,
    the nobody becomes a somebody,
    the worker serves not the capitalist:
    because each and everyone is both.

  5. The agents of the law are there,
    to protect each from the other,
    with justice and impartiality.
    But they're no uniformed force.
    nor are they an organ of State.
    Each is a policeman of the mind,
    within each and every individual.
    The law he enforces wasn't made
    by debaters sitting in Parliament.
    It has been there from the start,
    etched into the conscience of all
    by disciplined formal education.

  6. This re-purposed law won't define:
    the individual's duty to the State,
    or his obligations to all of society.
    Such no longer have need to exist.
    The re-purposed law requires only,
    that each enforce upon himself,
    the obligation to treat each, as
    he would wish each to treat him.
    Society has a complex-dynamic:
    On such, global laws can't work.
    But under this simple fractal law,
    All will live in perfect harmony.

© 18 August 2022, 09 September 2023 Robert John Morton
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