
  1. A human's a separate, sentient being,
    Consciously aware, of what it's seeing.
    Powered by an 86 billion, neuron brain,
    Which its biological body, doth sustain.
    With emotion, thought and imagination,
    To enable, with others, communication.

  2. Physical limits, of its mobility and mind,
    Humans, into compact settlements bind.
    Each, as an anthropological community,
    Living together, with equal opportunity.
    Each has a coterie, with unlimited reach,
    Distant communities, to learn and teach.

  3. Each self-sufficient, in the basics of life,
    Allows everybody, to live without strife.
    Each the shortage, of any other heeds,
    Ensuring that nobody, lacks any needs.
    No cause for supervision, or oversight,
    Fractal rules, make it all turn out right.

  4. Rules that require, of each to the other,
    To behave reciprocally, as to a brother.
    But how to make this, universally bind?
    By the law + a policeman, in the mind.
    On formative education, we must rely,
    To teach to all; the what, how and why.

  5. Each has his profile, of special ability,
    With which to create, things of utility.
    Variety for all, through free exchange,
    Which, through trade, we can arrange.
    In a complex-dynamical, murmuration,
    Of benignly self-regulating, circulation.

  6. Greedy elites, by force and deception,
    Stole all our land, without exception.
    Enslaving us, by threat of starvation,
    Community displaced, by corporation.
    Destroying the way, it's always been,
    An economy operating, like a machine.

  7. The elite install a national directorate,
    Easily gaslighting a gullible electorate.
    Enacting law that favours, corporation,
    To be master of everyone's, occupation.
    No concern for poverty, or incapacity,
    Just a rancid psychopathy, of rapacity.

  8. Cold hard hearted capitalists, in charge,
    Instil their spirit, into workers at large.
    Who can't get work, is considered a dolt,
    Bated by, "Must be yer own bloody fault!"
    Vile competition's, endemic to the horde,
    Fraternal solidarity's, gone by the board.

  9. Down the hierarchy, flows the slime,
    Of their repulsive, divisive paradigm.
    Peer mobbing, is a sociological norm,
    Bullying any, that refuse to conform.
    To divide and conquer, they are bent,
    Meticulously rooting out, all dissent.

  10. In all of the universe, flying long haul,
    You won't find atoms, the size of a ball.
    So please be aware that, nature is wise,
    On its atoms to impose, a limit to size.
    Natural communities too, she controls,
    To a natural upper limit, of 150 souls.

  11. But no limit's placed, on corporations,
    That thereby dwarf, sovereign nations.
    Gobbling the Earth, and its resources,
    Protected by law, and its police forces.
    Enveloping legions, of landless slaves,
    Casting out their unwanted, in waves.

  12. Built along the lines of a corporation,
    Modern society is an agglomeration:
    Government ministry, municipality,
    Associations, and business plurality.
    Firms, shops, and all that's residual,
    The last and least is, the individual.

  13. Entities of diverse economic function,
    Organs of an economy in conjunction.
    Integral parts of a lumbering machine,
    Atoms the size of footballs, they seem.
    Unstable, fissile, eliminating decidual,
    A cauldron of stress, for the individual.

  14. Alone and naked on the field of battle,
    The corporate armies, he can't tackle.
    Unequal, and in peril, before their law.
    To corporate power, he cowers in awe.
    The equal of which, he cannot afford,
    The solitary soul, accepts their accord.

  15. Cloaked in bureaucracy; unbreachable,
    The law, for him, is entirely unreachable.
    Its complexity's now, so far out of hand,
    Lawyers & barristers, alone understand.
    A diode of words, with dubious delection,
    Passing advantage, in just one direction.

  16. In resolving my case, nowhere I'm gettin',
    S'like arguing with, an omnipotent cretin.
    Their algorithmic inflexibility is senseless,
    Rendering a lone individual, defenceless.
    Idiotic power, dispensed without charity,
    It's the driving force, of social disparity.

  17. And all for what, is their evil endeavour,
    Enslaving us all, to serve them forever?
    Making us produce for them, by our toil,
    Siphoning a percentage, as their spoil.
    Maintaining our fear, of unemployment,
    To sustain their lives, of rich enjoyment.

  18. It must be plain, for the world to see,
    This was never, the way it should be.
    Fed, clothed and housed, without strife,
    Is the prime condition, for human life.
    Relief from stress, to everyone brings,
    Time & freedom, to seek higher things.

  19. We must disperse again, over the land,
    Out of the cities, by our own command,
    Retaining technology, that we invented,
    Re-purposed for, a small-scale incentive.
    No unwieldy logistics, and refrigeration,
    But local diversity, through robotization.

  20. We can't break free, by process of law,
    It seems our only viable option, is war.
    But to mobilize for war, this isn't a call,
    It's just a prediction, of what will befall.
    This Armageddon will be, our final test,
    A justified uprising, by the oppressed.

© 13-17 September 2023 Robert John Morton