
  1. Unemployed I've been, for much of my life,
    A worthless loafer, leaving others the strife.
    Chastised and reviled by those in charge,
    Baseless pre-judgement, ever looms large,
    A freeloader living on the taxes he thieves.

  2. The justified reasons are elsewhere given,
    Of arrogance and error in medical decision,
    Glaring misjudgement in social assessment,
    A burden of labour the tax-payer can't know.
    A freeloader I'm not, But to work I can't go.

  3. An unemployed person can't make a job:
    Jobs can only be made by employers.
    The unemployed person has zero control.
    He can only apply, adapt and re-try, in
    a futile cycle, while trapped on the dole.

  4. Scheme to employ the low-skilled on low-pay,
    By kind condescension of household names.
    Goods made and sold for substantial reward,
    Low pay subsidised by government support,
    Paid for from tax, says the official report.

  5. But who does it benefit, this money from tax?
    The unskilled low paid the newspapers say,
    But it's their work that creates the revenue.
    The company is simply short-changing them,
    Paying them less than their true market worth.

  6. Income Support that comes from your taxes,
    Covers the short-fall in the workers' disburse,
    They divert the difference into the pockets,
    Of corporate investor and fat cat director, as
    Divi' and bonus from the tax-payer's purse.

  7. Think pensioners too are freeloading on you?
    Who paid all life long for comfort when aged,
    The government stole all that they saved, So
    From your taxes their pensions must come,
    It's the rulers that need the kick up the bum.

  8. What of those whom chance has condemned,
    By a disability that makes it hard to succeed?
    Accused by you cowards of swinging the lead,
    Placing the blame on those weaker than you.
    Ain't got the guts to put blame where it's due?

  9. The real freeloaders are those at great height,
    Of whom I now hope that you've seen the light.
    It's the great corporations that we must fight.
    Whose politicians create the tax-payer's plight.
    Can't you yet see that Lord Thurlow was right?

© 09 October 2022 Robert John Morton