
  1. I wish to cancel my Internet and phone.
    I call the girl; but I'm left all alone.
    Given no reference number, but instead,
    An awkward silence; the line goes dead.
    Her atrocious manners leave me pained,
    But that is simply how she's trained.

  2. The monthly bills continue to arrive,
    To get them stopped I forever strive,
    I refuse to pay! The bills I throw,
    For a monthly fee I do not owe.
    Trouble mounts, it gets no better,
    I'm officially listed as a debtor.

  3. Serasa-Experian, in good proportion,
    is a corporate instrument of extortion.
    Upon its site they place my name,
    thereby my reputation they defame.
    In open view of all my community,
    They lie about me with impunity.

  4. My name is smeared, my cards suspend,
    The bank to me credit will not lend.
    My business folds. I cannot trade.
    I'll have to learn to use a spade.
    From a normal life I must withdraw.
    Perhaps it's time to go to law.

  5. The law exists to protect the wealthy,
    For you and me it is not too healthy.
    So suing the company for defamation,
    financial damage and compensation,
    Could heap upon me much frustration,
    And precipitate my total ruination.

  6. How will it end? I do not know.
    Fuck this country, it's time to go.

© 10 October 2022 Robert John Morton