
  1. A caring king or a benign dictator,
    governs all of his people with equity.
    An evil king or a tyrannical dictator,
    enslaves most of his people in misery.
    A caring democrat, votes for policies,
    that he believes, will best serve all.
    An evil democrat, votes for policies,
    that his selfish desires, will install.

  2. Today's generation has risen in a time,
    When selfishness is hailed as benign.
    It's no surprise that the majority mind,
    Be a tyrant of a most abominable kind.
    Each votes to gain his own selfish ends,
    without slightest concern for the other.
    The ocean of people of a nation State,
    does not see that other as a brother.

  3. The majority's whim is bound to prevail;
    For any minority, this cannot but fail.
    The majority lives in a paradise land,
    With tax-cuts and perks always to hand.
    A minority suffers the collateral effects,
    of policies imposed by majority rule.
    Rejection, exclusion, hardship, poverty:
    for minorities, the punishment's cruel.

  4. A nation of millions is a complex-dynamic;
    a small agitation has consequence large.
    So that little events created by chance,
    steer by caprice, this juggernaut barge.
    Being in a minority's not one's own fault;
    it simply occurs, in the luck of the draw.
    It is there to provoke, a social response;
    within the nature of man, baring a flaw.

  5. When each votes, for what suits himself,
    To further his own well-being and wealth,
    With no concern, nor thoughts of charity,
    T'will create a society, of rabid disparity.
    For democracy to be, all fair and benign,
    Each must vote for what'll make life fine,
    Not only for him, and those of his kind,
    But so none can himself, in poverty find.

  6. A failing of democracy, beyond cupidity,
    Is the voter's propensity, for stupidity.
    Gaslighted well, by the right-wing press,
    Friday-night beer haze: policies digress,
    Voting for what benefits, the wily elite,
    With plans, which prejudice all, replete.
    Or voting emotively for whoever may be,
    The handsomest candidate I ever did see.

  7. It's not the political systems, in nations,
    That make benign or hostile, situations.
    Whether all fare well, or minorities not,
    Democracy or decree, don't matter a jot.
    It's whether who governs, being realistic,
    Is selfish, stupid or fortunately altruistic,
    Be 'he' soviet, oligarch, dictator or king,
    Or people, by voting, democracy bring.

  8. A democratic government, at its core,
    Is blighted with the same inherent flaw,
    But a bad king, dictator, oligarch, soviet,
    The people can oust, when appropriate.
    A tyrannical majority, a minority can't,
    By any known means, forcibly supplant.
    Until the day, when minority discontent,
    Explodes in their faces, as a final event.

    © 28 August 2022, 21 September 2023 Robert John Morton
    [see also: Democracy & False Democracy]