
  1. Paper transactions must now go away,
    If life on this planet be here to stay.
    Internet connection is the way they say,
    To conduct my business day by day.

  2. But all's in the hands of a corporate clique,
    There to gain profit for its wealthy elite.
    A private monopoly of a public need,
    There to assuage its shareholders' greed.

  3. A telecom customer's a mere piece of shit,
    There to be ruthlessly exploited by it.
    Forced to sign blind to an unseen deed,
    By a click on an email he cannot read.

  4. My internet's cut off, I know not why.
    It was all paid up in time on the day,
    With the company admin nowhere I'm gettin',
    It's all like talking to an omnipotent cretin.

  5. I squint at my phone's ridiculous screen,
    To try to complain without making a scene.
    The regulator's system is clearly no better.
    Nothing so simple as writing a letter.

  6. Trees of options: no escape do they offer,
    To where my own simple words I may proffer.
    But blazing adverts they push in my face,
    "500 Mega!" in a nude girl's embrace.

  7. An artificial imbecile they call an AI,
    Automated menus with the brain of a fly.
    Where are all the people with training?
    They always understood my complaining.

  8. Sadly the company told them "Get lost",
    To maximise profit and minimise cost.
    The customer suffers enormous frustration,
    But its simply a means of externalisation.

  9. Why train staff that need to be managed?
    And pay them a wage of commensurate size.
    Go to the dole bank and pick a few chavvies,
    To backup your imbecilic AI's.

  10. No need to train 'em, just give 'em a phone,
    Leave them to do it all on their own.
    No need to manage or guide 'em, you see,
    The hapless customer has to do that for free.

© 07 October 2022 Robert John Morton