
  1. Whatever is, this conscious "me",
    Which I perceive myself, to be?                — Conscious Awareness
    It relies upon, my physical brain,
    Its whole functionality, to sustain.
    Yet of my brain, it can't be part,
    Nor of my mind, however smart.

  2. What is it, that I'm conscious of?
    In the earth below, and sky above.
    Mountains, rivers, wind and clouds,
    From atoms up, to nebulous shrouds.
    A universe: no beginning nor end,
    Its ways and laws, to comprehend.

  3. I'm also aware, of a thing called life,
    Of which I see that, the Earth is rife.
    Governed by more, than physical law,
    With instinct guiding tooth and claw.         — Human Instinct
    Which self-sustains and self-protects:
    Locomotion and procreation, directs.

  4. But that of which, I'm aware the most,
    is: my body and mind, are just a host,
    To a mysterious entity, which is "me",
    That can conceive & ponder, eternity,
    Communicate with others, of its kind,
    Especially with those, of similar mind.

  5. My consciousness, has an inner voice,       — Nature of Conscience
    Obliging me, to make the right choice.
    To do right not wrong, it doth me bind,
    Like law plus a policeman, in my mind.
    A prime example of humanity? Never!
    But I always give, my best endeavour.

  6. I surmise as to where, "I" am placed,
    In a fuzzy realm, and forward faced.
    From behind my eyes, my mind sees,
    My event-horizon's past, with ease.
    From this oldest place, in the universe,
    My direction of view, I can't reverse.

  7. But as I look outward, whatever I see,
    Is warped & coloured to some degree.
    What my senses & instruments reveal,     — Conscious Experience
    Distortion & dispersion partly conceal.      — Fallibility of Perception
    Limited experience, leaves me bereft,
    To interpret the truth, from what is left.

  8. The atoms from which, all life is made,
    Have a permanence, that doesn't fade.
    But any life-form, which they compose,
    Is born, lives, then dies, after it grows.
    But its atoms recycle, coming around,
    Into a new life-form, out of the ground.

  9. Am I an atom of consciousness, born?
    Or am I only, a transitory living form?
    My body is ageing; I can't long endure,
    But "I" am growing, like never before.
    My knowledge & wisdom, I am honing,
    My personality and character, toning.

  10. It seems that, the life of "I" is spent,
    Constructing something, permanent.
    An entity, of wisdom and knowledge,
    And the world's its universal college.
    If it then evaporates, without a trace,
    It's an awful waste, of time and space.

  11. How can I discover, what's beyond,       — Life After Death
    Without becoming, naively conned?      — Master Plan For Humanity
    If indeed, gods inhabit the other side,
    From us, their existence they do hide.
    The only source, of such information,
    Are books, claiming divine revelation.

  12. Words merely, represent what's seen,   — Syntax versus Semantics
    They're not the reality, of what's been. — Ancient Texts
    The scribe's free to write, truth or lies,
    And he often, creative editing applies.
    To bias meaning, for a clandestine goal,
    To give king and emperor, social control.

  13. What often raises, my consternation,
    Is the anomaly of, sin and salvation.     — Salvation: An Alternative View
    If a sinful nature, a creator me gave,
    Why am I guilty, for how I behave?       — Doctrinal Anomalies
    Why must I repent, at his insistence,
    In order to attain, eternal existence?

  14. Those who seek, a physical solution,
    Find flaws, in the theory of evolution.    — The Validity of Evolution
    Atoms, molecules, run their courses,
    Moved by nothing but resident forces.
    Their form, size and dynamic working,
    Are in the fabric of space-time, lurking.

  15. Processes of life, on the other hand,
    Need to be, externally programmed.     — Genes of Consciousness
    To avoid that they, become eroded,
    In symbolic form, they are encoded.
    They fundamentally, could not be,
    Hidden in a Monster of Symmetry.

  16. The human body, is like a machine,
    Organs, with connections between.
    Each cell self-locates, to do its task,      — Cell Navigation
    Rightly placed, without need to ask.
    How does it know, what type to be,
    With no map or guide, to its destiny?

  17. I should enjoy, the life that I've got,
    Indifferent to, what is, when I'm not.
    The eternity of "me" is still in doubt,
    It could easily evaporate, into nowt.
    Whatever the truth, it's clear to see,
    I'll only find peace, through honesty.     — Religious Disclaimer

  18. To be honest, with myself I must be,
    If the comfort of truth, I'll ever see.
    I must question, all that bothers me,
    Using direct observation only, is key,
    With my mind, uninhibited and free.
    I must be fastidious, to only believe,
    What I deduce, from what I perceive.

  19. I'm unable to grasp, an idea so prime,
    As the fundamental beginning of time.
    Is the universe, in a state of continuity,
    Sustaining itself, in dynamic perpetuity?
    Or was God there, before it all began,
    Skilfully laying, his divine master-plan,
    To create all ex nihilo, including man?

  20. Are laws of physics, self-sustaining?
    Or is a God, their path maintaining?
    And who devised, the genetic code,
    Programmed it, then set its mode?
    Was it a conscious, universal field?
    Or God, with divine power to wield?
    To its unknowability, I have to yield.

  21. And what about the conscious "me",
    Is it sempiternal, or merely transitory?
    If there be, no intelligence supreme,
    My quest for eternity, is but a dream.
    If he exist or no, he doesn't me show,
    But I think, for honesty, he'd bestow,
    A blessing if I say, "I just don't know".

© 30 September 2023 Robert John Morton