Chapter 4: A Futile Chore

Footnote: The Employee-Plus Approach

The driving principle of free market capitalism is to get as much as poss­ible for as little as possible. In a buyer's market this means the buyer gets more and the seller gets less. Employment is always a buyer's market. The em­ployee who offers most gets the job. Here is how I tried to offer more.

For too long I had failed to get work either as an employee or as a self-employed service provider. I therefore decided to explore a new approach which I am given to understand has worked well in America for older more experienced people. This ap­proach is to offer the prospective employer not only a new employee, but a com­plete package comprising:

It was hoped that the opportunity this offered a prospective employer to diversify into a new market with a new product would prompt him to take me on.


For my first attempt at obtaining work by this approach I chose to use my know­ledge and experience of air navigation. I therefore spent 4 weeks in February/March 1993 formally documenting my air navigation knowledge. I then decided to use this knowledge to design what I thought would become a commercially attractive prod­uct for the nineties. I therefore spent the rest of May 1993 designing an innovative navigation product which I decided to call Nomad. For it I produced a:


During June 1993 I contacted the following organisations whom I thought could help me present it to the right people:

Also during June 1993 I produced a small program which ran on Microsoft Windows to demonstrate one of the functions of the proposed product. [I later rewrote and extended this as a Java applet.] July and August were spent developing and main­taining contacts. My most extensive and encouraging contact was with the Hert­fordshire Development Organisation.

I spent September and half of October going through the same process for another product. This was a database-driven communications system which I code-named Nexus. However, six months later, when I had completed about 80% of the Tech­nical Outline for Nexus, it became obvious from the organisations I had contacted that nobody was interested in Nomad. I therefore decided to halt work on the Nexus documents.

I later discovered that a less ambitious version of Nomad was about to be launched by a well-known American avionics company, so I can't have been too far off target. That is intellectually comforting but it does not feed the kids. My conclusion is therefore that this 'employee-plus' approach to finding a job is also futile. It re­qu­ires far too many resources for a long-term unemployed person like me to muster.

Parent Document | © May 1998 Robert John Morton