My Personal Search For a Better World

Herein is my book "The Lost Inheritance" plus 366 essays, returning a count of over 1·35 million words in English, 250,565 words in Portuguese and some in Russian. They are copious­ly illustrated with diagrams, photos, anima­tions; plus programs comprising 63,640 lines of Java and 38,464 lines of C-code.

photo of Robert John Morton The title "The Lost Inheritance" refers to what I see as the self-evident birthright of every human being. It is the inalienable right to the allodial possession and un­encumbered use of sufficient terrestrial resources [ha­b­itable land] to enable him to transform his work into his needs of life. As incontrovertibly evinced by the in­excus­able poverty and disparity on this planet, estab­l­ished economic systems are catastrophically incap­able of fair­ly providing the means for a man to turn his lab­our into his needs of life.

My poems are extracts from the book. I"m not a poet. These poems just came into my mind, each as a sud­den convulsive flood of words, venting my frustra­tions with the present world and exuding my hopes and as­pira­tions for a better world in the future — no matter how distant that future may be.

My projects are a sequel to the book. They are concerned with the practicalities of establishing a society, in which all citizens possess sufficient resources to enable each to turn his work into his needs of life independently of markets. In these pro­jects, I expound my concept of a Universal Terrestrial Dwelling, in which a family may live with all modern comforts independently of utility grids for water, elect­r­icity, gas, sewage and communications; thus opening up the vastness of the pla­n­et's unsettled land area for sustainable human habitation.

My interests stem from my previous work and hobbies. I have written software for navigation, telecoms and administrative systems. I have studied and thought very deeply about science. I have used my accumulated knowledge in all these areas as a source of concepts and principles up on which my ideas expressed in "The Lost Inheritance" are based. — Robert John Morton YE572246C.

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