Reading Plan for This Web Site

A comfortable reading of this whole web site takes me, on average, 135 days. That's about 27 working weeks of full-time reading, allowing time to ponder and reflect on the content. The book chapter times include reading time for each chapter's accompanying footnote articles.

Reading Plan

The Lost InheritanceDays
Poem, Abstract and Introduction 1
Chapter 01 My Career Gone8
Chapter 02 A Point of View13
Chapter 03 The Vital Key5
Chapter 04 A Futile Chore6
Chapter 05 Staying Alive3
Chapter 06 Poverty Sticks2
Chapter 07 Relative Heaven3
Chapter 08 The Family Estate1
Chapter 09 The History Line2
Chapter 10 The Capital Men4
Chapter 11 How They Govern5
Chapter 12 Ruling Ourselves13
My poems can be read comfortably well within a day.

Landshare Project1
Sustainable Food1
Sustainable Energy 6

Global Navigation   4
Short-Wave Radio29
Chaos Theory5
The Universe15
The Internet3
My Software1
My Ideal PC1

It is expedient to allocate two days to familiarise yourself completely with the site's Facilities: Email, About Me, About This Website, Site Index, and the site's Search Engine. Back...